


This is nothing but a crude news that the cabinet had excluded the Central Government Employees from the purview of the Bonus Amendment Act 2007. The legitimate right of the enhancement of Bonus Ceiling Limit from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- has been simply denied, I diluted and we are deprived our dues.

The proposal submitted by the Postal Department seeking exemption from the purview of the screening committee has also been handled by the Finance Ministry negatively. The posts are being axed without any justified reasons.

The Department of Posts on the other hand desires to open more franchisee outers and pave way for privatisation of Postal Services. The Postal Amendment Act which ensures the monopoly of consider upto 150 grams at last and 49% cap in FDI has also been diluted and returned back due to the powerful lobby of the Couriers and multinational companies.

The moves of downsizing, merger closure of post offices, curtailment of postal deliveries, outsourcing some of the functions of the postal, closure of RMS sections and sorting offices are still continuing and nothing is assured to arrest such menace which adversely affect the services rendered to public by the Postal.

Our genuine problems like LSG, HSG II,HSG I promotions, Modification of LSG, Fixing up of all pending residual vacancies, withdraw of dracanion orders dt.21-5-2007 denying BCR benefits for those declined LSG promotion, the plight of postal Accountants and their promotion, Eligibility in writing the Group B Exam, the plight of the JAO qualified officials, Administrators, Marketing Executives, Clearance of pending personal claims etc. are still protracted on one pretext or the other and the Bureaucracy is reluctant in mitigating them with positive thinking. The youngsters who are with more aspiration for better promotional avenues have been frustrated due to prolonging policies affecting their interest.

We are time and again pushed to the wall and we have been neglected by the Government and also by the Postal Department. Even small issues are not resolved and resorted peacefully and takes its own time just look after such demands. Grant of FSC, incentive to WMT, OTA, Honororium are some among them. No periodical meeting or Departmental Council JCM over these 11/2 years. The need of the hour is now to resist such onslaughts with our full determination for which it need the total and complete awareness of all these issues to individual members of our organization. The workers of grass root level should aware and come forward to resist such moves of the administration in tooth and nail.

Just to create awareness of the problems and also the need for total unity, it was proposed in the NFPE Federal Executive held on 1-12-2007 to organise state level conventions of all the unions of NFPE in one platform which should consist of all Branch/Divisional Secretaries and the Circle Office Bearers. The convention is intended to have a close interaction with the cream of leadership by the leaders of the Federation and All India Unions. The main purpose of such convention is to galvanise the members regarding the need of adopting serious trade union activities.

The Federal executive held on 1-12-2007 also decided to organize a serious programme of action culminating in indefinite strike in consultation with Postal JCA. It was also decided to submit a detailed annexure on all pending sectional issues of all affiliates. We shall be prepared to take up the programme effectively.

Similarly the National Executive of the Confederation has decided on 9-12-2007 in its Bangalore session that the entirety of our membership shall be prepared for a serious agitation if the VI CPC submits negative recommendations on basic issues. In addition the Confederation National Executive has called upon to launch a programme or action from 3rd January to 11th January on other issues like Bonus ceiling, Compassionate appointments etc.

We are always to be ready for struggle for the cause of Postal and its fraternity. We have to fight. The struggle is inevitable. Everything so far achieved is through struggle only.

May this new year bring a message of unity for struggle and struggle for unity and create awareness among all our members and strengthen our unity for the betterment of the future.

Wish the readers a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2008..............

(Editorial January 2008)

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