145. Whether a pregnant woman can be denied appointment after the selection?
A pregnant woman will not be declared unfit for appointment against posts which do not prescribe any elaborate training. She can be appointed straightaway.
(OM No. 14034/4/84-Estt (D) dated 13.12.1985)
146. How the seniority of the promotee officer is determined?
In accordance with O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D) dated 11.11.2010, the inter-se seniority of an officer promoted on the basis of the recommendation of a DPC either by selection or non-selection method as per due procedure, shall be determined as in the feeder grade from which they are promoted.
147. How seniority of a promotee officer is determined in cases where more than one feeder grade is prescribed for promotion to the higher grade and specific quotas are given?
In such cases, the officer in each grade assesses fit by the Departmental Promotion Committee shall be interpolated in the ratio prescribed in each grade in the Recruitment Rules for the post, for the purpose of determination of seniority.
148. Is a SC/ST Government servant promoted by virtue of rule of reservation entitled to consequential seniority?
Yes. A SC/ST Government servant on promotion by virtue of rule of reservation roster will be entitled to consequential seniority.
(O.M. No. 22011/1/2001-Estt. (D) 21.01.2002)
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