


141. What are the guidelines prescribed by the Department for according LSG, HSG II & HSG I promotions?

(i) The ACRs in respect of all the officials should be written by the reporting officers with the proper and due application of mind.

(ii) The reporting/Reviewing officers should be taken into account the benchmarks for promotion and that benchmarks are known to the officers while writing the ACRs

(iii) The DPC while assessing the ACRs for promotion of official to various grades should not be merely guided by the overall grading given by the reporting/Reviewing officers but also satisfy themselves by an objective assessment of the ACRs.

(iv) While prescribed benchmark should not be diluted, the DPC should be realistic and objective in their assessment the due claims of the staff for promotion.

(DG (P) No. 137-04/2006-SPB II (Pt) dated 16.05.2007)

142.Whether the entries in ACR shall alone the criteria for according LSG and HSG promotions?

The DPCs, while assessing the officials for promotion as 'Fit' or 'Unfit' for LSG and HSG-II, without diluting DoP&T guidelines, should not be guided merely by the overall grading given by the Reporting Officer or by the Reviewing Officer alone but should form an assessment based on the remarks/performance recorded in the individual columns in the ACR. 

(DG (P) No. 137-04/2006-SPB II (Pt) dated 16.05.2007)

143. Is there any prohibition to fill up the HSG II officials who are on adhoc promotion to HSG I?

The Directorate vide its letter no. 4-24/2008-SPB II dated 02.12.2008 clarified that there are no instructions which prohibit posting of regularly promoted officials against temporary/adhoc vacancy or officials promotes on adhoc basis against regular vacancies. Therefore the vacancy in HSG II caused due to adhoc promotion to HSG I by regular incumbent can be allotted to other HSG II officials or LSG official on adhoc promotion to HSG II.

144. Whether one LSG official declined HSG II promotion and accepted in the subsequent batch, what will be his seniority in the HSG II cadre?

If his promotion to HSG II grade is postponed due to declination (even for one reason or the other), his seniority in HSG II would be alongwith those with whom he is promoted subsequently.

(DG (P) No. 4-4/92-SPB I dated 30.03.1992)

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