122. If there is a single vacancy for promotion, reservation shall apply or not?
If only one vacancy arises and that happens to be a reserved vacancy, it should be treated as unreserved and filled by General candidate. The reservation point shall be carry forward to next recruitment year.
(OM No. 36011/39/81-Estt (SCT) dated 30.11.1981)
123. What is the time limit prescribed for relieving an official on promotion?
They should be relieved immediately on receipt of orders of promotion and only in rare exceptional cases they may be retained from one to three months with the approval of next authority. In any case, they should be relieved within three months.
124. Whether the promotions earlier accorded under selection by seniority is withdrawn.
The earlier distinction in the nomenclature viz., selection by merit and selection by seniority was dispensed with. Now such promotions are called as ‘Selection’ only.
125. If a Government servant holding a post to be filled by promotion, goes on leave, deputation, training etc, whether roster points to be observed?
In such cases, the post can be filled up by promotion with eligible official on the basis of seniority irrespective of the category to which he belongs
(DG (P) No. B7-10/97-SPB II dated 26.05.1998)
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