
17. Stepping-up the pay of a senior for a second time in order to remove an anomaly in pay vis-à-vis same junior

 Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 

17. Stepping-up the pay of a senior for a second time in order to remove an anomaly in pay vis-à-vis same junior 

Initial Scenario: Senior employee 'A' has their pay stepped up to match their immediate junior 'B'. 

Subsequent Anomaly: Junior 'B' then has their pay stepped up to match another junior 'C'. This can potentially result in senior 'A' having lower pay than their immediate junior 'B' again. 

Second Stepping Up: If this scenario occurs, senior employee 'A' may be eligible for another pay step-up to match their junior 'B' again, provided that all the conditions for the initial pay step-up are met. 

Important Condition: This second pay step-up is only allowed if the anomaly arises with reference to the same junior ('B') as the initial pay step-up.

The pay of senior 'A' employee is stepped up with reference to the pay of his 'first junior' 'B' and at a later date, the pay of 'B' is stepped up with reference to another junior 'C'. Consequent on the stepping up of pay of the junior 'B' with reference to 'C', the senior 'A' may happen to draw lesser pay than his junior 'B'. In such cases, the pay of the senior 'A' may again be stepped-up at par with his junior 'B' provided all the conditions laid down in the general orders for stepping up of pay of 'A' vis-à-vis 'C' are fully satisfied.

 (DP & AR OM No. F.4/7/83-Estt (Pay-I), dated 31.03.1984)

Note: -The benefit of stepping up of pay can be allowed to senior official second time, provided that the anomaly has arisen with reference to the pay of the same junior, with reference to whom the pay of the senior was stepped up first time.

(DOP & PW. No. 1427/85- Estt (Pay I) dt. 22.7.1985)

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