

112.What are all the methods for grant of promotion?

There are two methods of promotion viz., promotions by selection and promotions on the basis of seniority cum fitness.

113. If a DPC for promotion is not held in a previous year despite availability of vacancies and convened next year, will it be sufficient to draw one panel for fill up all the vacant post.

Select panels will be prepared for each year separately, candidates in the panel for the earlier year will be placed first, and so on, and the consolidated panel prepared.

114. If the DPC is delayed and considered for earlier years, what is the period to scrutinize the service records for such officials?

The scrutiny of the record of service should be limited to the records that would have been available had the DPC met at the appropriate time.

115. Whether the review DPC can consider the persons who become eligible subsequently?

No. A review DPC shall consider only those persons who were eligible on the date of original DPC meeting. Persons who become eligible on a subsequent date should not be considered.


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