Compiled by Com D.Vetrivel, Tutor
Compiled by Com D.Vetrivel, Tutor
Answers for the questions posted on 23.2.2025
76. b. Record officer
77. b. Eighteen months
78. d. SSRM/SRM
79. a. In one Post Office in each Postal Division
80.c. Label tied on the top labeled bundle
81. b. Tour
82. b. Too late
83. a. Head Sorting Assistant
84. b. Portfolio
85. c, Superintendent
86. a, Head Sorting Assistant
87. c. Due mail list
88. c. Both A) and B) are correct
89. b. Station bag, Sorting bag and Combined bag
90. a, Stamped as ‘ Detained late fee not paid’ and detained till next dispatch.
91. Mail Abstract for Transit Sections is maintained in form No.
a. M. 43------Mail offices
b. N.38
c. M.42-----Transit section
d. MS 42
92. .In all cases of exchanges of mails, where no mail list is used, the receipt should be taken in…
a. Receipt book by the Post Office, Mail Office or Section
b. Mail Peon’s book
c. Order book of HSA
d. Rough book of HAS
93.On receipt of B orders from the Superintendent, the Record Officer should get it neatly copied into … of each set concerned.
a. Guard book
b. Rough Book
c. Order book
d. Guidance book
94. The window of mail section should be kept closed
a. Throughout the beat of the section
b. When the train is in motion
c. When the train is drawn up at railway platform till departure
d. None of the above
95. In Mail Office, insured check sheet is to be maintained by
a. The HAS / Supervisor
b. Mail Sorting assistant
c. Insured registration PA
96. Rule regarding second class mail
a. Rule 157 – A of PM Vol VII
b. Rule 158 of PM Vol. VII
c. Rule 159 of PM Vol. VII
d. Rule 160 of PM Vol. VII
97. Rule regarding duties of Mail Man
a. Rule 146 of PM Vol. VII
b. Rule 147 of PM Vol. VII
c. Rule 148 of PM Vol. VII
d. Rule 149 of PM Vol. VII
98.Key of cage TB is to be forwarded in
a. Open condition
b. Registered Cover
c. Ordinary Cover
d. Sealed cover
99. A Mail Bag contains :
a. Letters
b. Postcards
c. Book and Pattern Packets
d. All of the above
100.An article which has been erroneously forwarded by an office to an office other than the office of destination is called ?
a. Mis –sent article
b. Redirected article
c. Mis-directed article
d. None of the above
101.Camp correspondence is intended for
a. Postman on tour
b. Prime Minister on tour
c. Higher officers on tour
d. None of the above
102.What are the contents of a Portfolio ?
a. Wax Heater
b. Error Book
c. Poker
d. All of the above
103.How to forward key of the Cage T.B. ?
a. Through Mail bag
b. In a sealed cover
c. In an insurance cover
d. None of the above
104.Transit bags must always be closed and sealed in the presence of
a. Head Sorting Assistant
b. Head Mail Guard
c. Mail Agent
d. Any one of the above
105.. On receipt of a B order from the Superintendent, the Record officer should have it neatly copied by one of the sorting assistants into the …………… of each set concerned.
a. Error Book
b. Order Book
c. Guidance Book
d. Postmarks Book
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