
81. Be Aware of rotational transfer guidelines

 Gurus daily Insights
81. Greetings to all secretary comrades. Aware of rotational transfer guidelines 

Every year main problem we face particularly within Class-III, is the Rotational Transfer (RT). Regardless of our recognition status, if we ensure the administration adheres strictly to the rules, we can effectively resolve the grievances of our comrades. Some divisions have already issued Rotational Transfer notifications and the Leave Reserve (LR) PA list, but it seems there are some irregularities with these notifications and the PA list.

In light of these issues, I have outlined below some relevant rulings on the subject. Secretary comrades, I kindly request your assistance in ensuring strict compliance with these rulings to avoid any complications for our comrades:

1. DG Posts Memo No. 70/168/87-SPB-I dated 07.08.1987: Period spent in the position of Leave Reserve PA should not be counted towards the tenure.

2. Transfer Guidelines dated 24.06.2024: The post tenure for officials working in non-sensitive posts is now 3 years (previously 4 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

3. Officials due for retirement within two years should not be posted to Single Handed/Double Handed Offices.

4. No official should be considered for re-transfer to the station (or old office) from which they were transferred, for a period of two years.

5.    As per Para 5(i) of Transfer Guidelines, Letter No. 141-141/2013-SPB-II dated 17.01.2019, for an employee to be transferred before completing their post tenure on administrative grounds, the reason for such transfer must be recorded in writing by an authority superior to the one competent to order the transfer.

6. Posting of Husband and Wife: As far as possible, husband and wife should be posted at the same station, as per DOPT OM No. 28034/9/2009-Estt(A) dated 30.09.2009, reiterated in Para 5(xvi) of Transfer Guidelines dated 17.01.2019.

7. Persons with Disabilities: As per Para 2 H of DOPT O.M. No. 36035/3/2013-Estt. (Res.) dated 31.03.2014, reiterated in Para xvi of RT Guidelines dated 17.01.2019, persons with disabilities may be exempted from the rotational transfer policy and may be allowed to continue in the same job, provided their performance is satisfactory. Additionally, preferences in posting may be given to persons with disabilities, subject to administrative constraints.

8. Care-Givers of Persons with Benchmark Disability: As per O.M. No. 42011/3/2014-Estt. (Res.) dated 08.10.2018, reiterated in Para viii of RT Guidelines dated 17.01.2019, government employees who are caregivers for dependent individuals with a specified disability may be exempted from the rotational transfer policy.

9. Women Employees: Women employees should only be posted to offices where the necessary basic and essential amenities for women are available.

10. CVC Order dated 11.09.2013: Officials should not be retained in the same position or office for extended periods of time.

11. Marketing Executives & System Managers: Officials working as Marketing Executives and System Managers should be rotated every 2 to 3 years. According to Para 5.1 (iii) of Sensitive Posts Directorate Order dated 08.03.2018, individuals in these roles should be relieved from the post of System Manager after completing their tenure, and cannot be transferred to another office in the same capacity.

12. Sensitive Posts: Posts within Single/Double Handed Post Offices, BNPL Centres, BPC Centres, E-Commerce Centres, Saving Bank Counters, and posts dealing with Treasury, Cheque Clearance, Billing, Counter Operations, Claim Cases, CPC CBS, and (PLI) are considered sensitive.Officials working in Vigilance, Investigation, Recruitment, Staff, Transfer & Posting, Building, Procurement, Stock are also sensitive.

I request all Secretary Comrades to ensure strict compliance with the guidelines mentioned above, as this will help us in safeguarding the interests of our comrades and addressing any potential issues in a timely manner.


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