
Model Representation 37. Non conduct of review committee for MACP for the years from 2017 to 2021

As per the DG(P) No.4-7 (MACPS)/2019-PCC dt 22.12.2021  the position of application of bench mark is modified that the screening committee enjoy full discretion and the past cases not considered due to application of bench mark should be reviewed and MACP be granted. But still in many cases this has not been considered. This can be taken as a model draft in such cases

Sub : Non grant of MACP due to application of APARs for the year 2017-2018 request intervention and pray justice-reg

With due reverence, I would like to bring to your kind notice that I was working previously as …………….SO and my Date of entry into the department in Postman cadre is 09.12.2009  and was working since then at this cadre till my retirement. 

As per the DOPT OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt (D) dated 19.05.2009 and 22.10.2019, all regularly appointed CG employees up to HAG level are eligible for MACP scheme in which employees who have completed 10, 20 and 30 years will move to immediate next pay level in the new matrix.

Also, as per DOPT OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt (D) dated 18.02.2015, the DOPT has strictly advised to ensure strict compliance to the time limits indicated in MACPs for grant of benefits under the MACP scheme as and when the employees become eligible for such benefits.

But to my dismay, MACP-I was not accorded to me on 09.12.2019 due to application of APAR mark for the year 2017-2018 in which I have been awarded the overall grading as 4.0. There was no disciplinary case either contemplated or pending against me at that time. There was no insubordination of duty or any other adverse remarks during the period. Since my DCCS in the postman cadre was on 09.12.2009. I was eligible for the First MACP after completion of 10 years ie with effect from 09.12.2019

In this regard I wish to submit that as per the DG(P) No.4-7 (MACPS)/2019-PCC dt 22.12.2021  the position of application of bench mark is modified that the screening committee enjoy full discretion to devise its own methods and procedures for the objective assessment of the suitability of the candidates who are to be considered by them. In the said order it is emphasized to reassessment of suitability once again by the screening committee who were not considered fit for MACP earlier and to review all such cases. 

I have performed my duties with full responsibilities, rendered the best service to the members of public, maintaining punctuality, discipline and sincerity and also upkeeping functioning of the office with all changes time to time adopted by the department. I have been met with the perennial loss in my pension and also in the retirement benefits due to non grant of the MACP I.

If the screening committee considers my case once again based on the Directorate letter dated 22.12.2021, I will not only get justice but also restore the loss sustained due to non grant of the MACP in my pensionary benefits.

In view of my above submission, I most humbly beseech the benign and esteemed SPOs, ………..Division to kindly consider my case sympathetically and accord MACP I which is due by December 2019 itself for that kind act I will ever be grateful to you Sir. 

It is sanguinely hoped that this representation would be considered compassionately, judiciously and justice would be done to me.

Thanking you in anticipation,
Sanguine of Justice

This is drafted by Com G.Gurusivam

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