1. Representations from employees - disposal of
* Prompt Action: The document emphasizes the need for prompt attention and expeditious disposal of employee representations.
• Time Limits:
o Action within a Week: Divisions are instructed to examine representations and forward them to higher authorities within a week of receipt.
o Decision within a Fortnight: Decisions on most representations should be made within two weeks.
o Maximum One Month: In any case, a final decision must be reached within one month of receiving the representation.
• Categories of Representations:
o Category 1: Individual representations concerning seniority, pay fixation, transfer requests, etc.
o Category 2: Representations against statutory penalties, suspension orders, etc.
• Clear Instructions: The Director General issued a circular to Heads of Circles with specific time schedules for the disposal of representations at different levels.
• Monitoring: The Director General will monitor compliance with these instructions at all levels.
• Emphasis on Employee Concerns: The document highlights the importance of creating an environment where employees feel their legitimate grievances will be addressed promptly.
In essence, the document outlines a system to ensure that employee representations within the Ministry of Communications are handled efficiently and timely.
On the representation made by Shri G. Lakshmanan, M.P. and a Member of the Consultative Committee for Ministry of Communication the Senior Member, P&T Board has issued instructions to all Heads of Adm. Offices in the letter No. 201/40/75-Disc, dated 23rd July, 1975 that the staff cases should be dealt with in the following manner:-
(a) Action must be taken within a week,
(b) Decision may be taken within a fortnight, and
(c) At any rate the decision must be taken within a month.
The reply received from Dr. S.D. Sharma the Ministry of Communications is reproduced below:-
Kindly refer to your D.O. letter No. PT/55 dated 21st April, 1975 and your reminder No. PT/55 dated 19-7-75 regarding the need for prompt attention to, and expeditious disposal of representations from the employees of the Department in regard to their personal cases.
Though I find by and large representations from the employees are attended to without much delay, I agree with you that there is still scope for further improvement to ensure that the individual representations are given prompt attention by the authorities at different levels. I also find that there are standing instructions in the Department with regard to the procedure for quick disposal of staff cases. The Director General has recently issued a circular letter to all Heads of Circles laying down time schedules, etc. for the disposal of representations from staff at different levels. I am enclosing a copy of this circular. I am sure these instructions will go a long way in ensuring that there is significant improvement in the disposal of staff cases and that no avoidable delay occurs anywhere. I have asked the Director General to keep a watch over the compliance of the instructions at every level in the Department.
Copy of DG’s letter stated above
It has been brought to notice that quite often representations in regard to service matters received from individual employees are not attended to promptly. The need to create a proper atmosphere where every employee would feel that his legitimate grievances would be promptly attended to cannot be overemphasized. It is essential to ensure that representations from individual employees in regard to their service matters are attended to promptly, at all level.
Normally the representations from the employees would fall under two categories:-
(i) Individual representations in regard to seniority, pay fixation, transfer request etc.
(ii) Representations against statutory penalties imposed, orders of suspension etc.
As regards (i) above, the competent authority should on receipt of representation, have the matter examined dispassionately and take its decision promptly. It should not be difficult to take a decision within a fortnight of the date of receipt of the representation. At any rate, it should not take more than a month to take a final decision in the matter. If the representation is against the decision of the Divisional Officer, he should forward the representation along with his comments on the points raised in the representation to the competent authority within a week of receipt of the representation. The higher authority should arrange within a fortnight from the date of receipt of the representation by him and at any rate within a month or so. Where, however, some probing is required or further information is required to be called for, prompt action should be taken to call for the information etc. within a week of the receipt of the representation. The divisional authority should forward it to the Postmaster General within a week of the date of receipt of the representation. Where the representation is addressed to the DG P&T the divisional authority should forward to the Postmaster General within a week of the date of receipt of the representation and the Postmaster General should forward it to the Directorate within a fortnight. The above time schedules are only indicated with a view to stressing the need for quick disposal of staff representations. While some modifications here and there would perhaps be inevitable the Heads of Circles should ensure that no avoidable delay occurs at any state in the disposal of representation from the staff members.
As regards (ii) above, it is provided in the CCS (CCA) Rules that appeals against statutory penalties imposed shall be presented to the authority to whom the appeal lies, a copy of the appeal being forwarded by the appellant to the authority which made the order appealed against shall on receipt of the copy of the appeal, forward the same, with its comments thereon together with the relevant records to the appellate authority without any avoidable delay, and without waiting for any direction from the appellate authority. It is reiterated that the competent authority to whom appeals are submitted by concerned officials against orders of the disciplinary authorities should keep a watch over the receipt of the records of the case, etc. from the authorities below and ensure that no avoidable delay occurs at any level, and that the appeal is decided within a month from the date of receipt of the records of the case.
The Heads of Circles, etc. may issue suitable orders to their subordinates and ensure that the above instructions are complied with strictly.
(DG (P&T) No. 201/40/75-DISC.II dated 23.07.1975)
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