
18. Instances which do not constitute an anomaly for stepping up of pay with reference to a junior

 Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 

18. Instances which do not constitute an anomaly for stepping up of pay with reference to a junior

(i) Where a senior proceeds on extraordinary leave resulting in postponement of date of next increment in the lower post with consequent drawal of less pay than the junior in the lower grade itself; pay parity cannot be claimed on promotion even if promoted earlier to the higher grade;

(ii) (a) A senior foregoing/refusing promotion leading to the promotion/appointment of his junior earlier and drawing higher pay than the senior;

(b) Increased pay drawn by a junior either due to adhoc officiating/regular service rendered in the higher posts for periods earlier than the senior, cannot, therefore, be an anomaly in the strict sense of the term;

(iii) A senior joining higher post later than the junior, for whatsoever reasons, whereby drawing lesser pay than the 'junior' in such cases, senior cannot claim stepping of pay at par with the junior:

(iv) A senior appointed later than the junior in the lower post itself whereby drawing lesser pay than the junior, when promoted to the higher post earlier than the junior, the senior cannot claim pay parity;

(v) A senior direct recruit drawing lesser pay than a junior promotee whose pay has been fixed with reference to the pay drawn in the lower post cannot claim parity as seniority alone is not a criteria for allowing stepping up;

(vi) When a junior gets more pay due to additional increments earned on acquiring higher qualifications.

(DOPT OM. No. 4/7/92-Estt (Pay-1), dated 4.11.1993) 

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