

Compiled by Com D.Vetrivel, Tutor

Answers to the questions posted on 25.2.2025

106. a. Packet Bag
107. a, Changing Station 
108. a. Superintendent, RMS
109. b. Station Unregistered Articles
110.  b. Record Office
111. a. Trip 
112. d.  All of them
113. d. Ten Years
114. b. District Bag office 
115. d. All of the above
116. c. Both A and B
117. a, Prescribing changes in sorting lists.
118. a. Head Sorting Assistant 
119. c. Both A and B
120. c. Both A and B


121. At important stations where a large number of bags is exchanged, the …… may authorize the Mail Agent / Mail Guard of a section to deliver his mails before receiving those for  onward transmission, in order to make room in the mail van.

a. Regional Postmaster General 
b. Divisional Head 
c. Inspector Post 
d. Head of Circle 

122. Letters posted after the prescribed hours of closing the mails but within the time permitted and with prescribed late fee in addition to the postage are called
a. Late letters
b. Too late letters 
c. Missent letters 
d. None of the above

123. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. Camp bags are not due bags
b. Camp bags are due bags
c. Camp bags are treated as unusual mails 
d. None of  the above 

124. Who is responsible for safe custody of insurance seal ? 

a. Head Sorting Assistant 
b. Mail Sorting Assistant 
c. System Administrator 
d. None of the above 

125. Which of the following stamp is supplied to every set ? 

a. Date Stamp
b. Name tamp
C ‘Detained Late Fee Not Paid’ Stamp
d. All of the above 

126. Mail abstract is divided into how many 

a.Two Parts 
b.Three Parts 
c.Four parts 
d.Five Parts

127. Which of the following is incorrect in connection with preparation of daily report?
a.Daily report is submitted to superintendent 
b.Daily report is written by Record Officer
c.The entries in the daily report is numbered  in onececonsecutive series
d. None of the above '

128. Which of the following rule of Postal Manual Volume – VII deals with duties and responsibility of Mail Guard / Agent ?
a.Rule 104
b.Rule 105
c.Rule 106
d.Rule 107

129. Which one is incorrect regarding the Trial cards 
a. It is a Service Post Card 
b. It is used for the purpose of determining the relative advantage of alternative mail routes 
c. It may be included in the station bundle 
d. It  is used for the purpose of determining the cause of detention of articles

130. Officer – in – charges of a Set of Transit Mail Section is:
a. Superintendent, Railway Mails 
b. Head Record Officer 
c. Mail Guard 
d. Postman 

131. Mail boxes kept at Railway station for keeping bags must be provided ….

a. Without lock 
b. With single lock 
c. With double lock
None of these

132. All RMS officials, other than supervising officers, who travel on duty  in a vehicle or compartment reserved for the mail services, in order to show their  right to be present there, must carry :
a. Related work papers
b. Metal Token of authorized type
c. Order Book of a Record Office 
d. Due Mail List 

133.  In a Set a Sorting Mail office, the Insurance Seal must always in the possession of:
a.Parcel Sorting Assistant 
b.Registration Assistant 
c.Head Sorting Assistant 
d.None of These 

134. Preservation period for Mail lists received and dispatched relates to mail and sorting branch is :
a.1 year
b.2 years
c.3 years
d. 5 years

135. Except on the authority of the Director – General of the Head of the Circle, a Mail office may not:       
a. Redirect any article 
b. Intercept or deliver any article  to the addressee 
c. Both (A) & (B) 
d. None of these

In case of any doubts about the questions, they can be cleared by the tutors through whatsapp messages.


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