One charge sheet was issued for a minor lapse against the official and after submission of reply the charge sheet was withdrawn and subsequently another charge sheet was issued. That is against to natural justice . The following is the reply submitted at that time
A kind reference is invited to the memos
cited above. I have been directed to submit my representation for the rule-16
charge sheet leveled against me through memo cited under Ref (i) henceforth
will be called as Annexure A. I have submitted my representation to the SPOs on
……2020 henceforth will be called as representation, wherein I have mentioned
that the charges leveled against me are not in consonance with the instructions
quoted in the Annexure A.
On receipt of my representation, SPOs has
accepted that the charges leveled against me are not in consonance with the
instructions quoted in the Annexure A and dropped the charges leveled against
me through the memo cited under Ref(ii) henceforth will be called as Annexure
Then a fresh rule 16 charge sheet was
leveled against me through the memo cited under Ref(iii) over the same set of
facts and without any new findings over annexure A and I have been directed to
submit my representation once again for the same set of facts.
Shri. ………. worked as MPCM Counter PA from
Sep 2015 to January 2017 at ……… HO has accepted PLI Premium presented across
the counter, given receipts to the customers and cancelled the receipts
subsequently on the same date and utilized the money for his personal use. No
error entry was made by him for the transactions cancelled by him.
On ………., while I was working as APM
(counter) ……….. H.O, He accepted PLI premium from the insurant Shri………. (TN- )
for Rs…….. and cancelled the same on that day itself. Later on 2…………. He
credited the amount to the PLI policy No TN-………..
Thus, Rule 16 Charge sheet was imputed
against me for
Failed to take all possible steps, as a supervisor, to
ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of the said …………., P.A ……… HO, who
was under her control and authority, on the above said date violating the
provisions contained Rule 3 (2) (i) of C.C.S.(Conduct) Rules 1964 and thereby
she failed to maintain absolute devotion to duty as required in Rule 3(1)(ii)
of C.C.S.(Conduct) rules 1964.
In this regard I submit that, On …………., I
was directed by the Postmaster to work as APM (Counter) apart from my regular
work as CPC In charge, as the regular official who was working as APM was on
leave. Shri…………… PA, was working as the MPCM counter PA. I had a strict
supervision over the two counters apart from the role of CPC-Incharge.
After the end of counter hours, I have
checked the reports of both the counters. I have inquired both the counter PAs
that whether any cancelled entries were there and they both replied negative
and no suspicious transactions were noted as per record. I have confirmed the
same by the cancelled entries report in MM software and I have also checked the
Error book and found no entries are there. The Zero Report of Meghdoot
Millenium Software, Detailed and consolidated booking report and cancelled
transactions report in MM software, Day end collection report in Macmish and
all were tallied and all the reports produced were matched with Daily account.
I have
put complete efforts and have taken all possible steps as a supervisor to
ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of the PAs who was working at both
the counters.
During ……. 2017, the misappropriation of
money at the MPCM counter done by Shri……….. was enlightened and he himself
admitted all the misappropriations done by him in his statement given before
ASP, …….. on ………..2017. He reported that he has cancelled the premium receipts
without the knowledge of APM and thus on ……….., the cancelled receipt belonging
to the policy number (TN-…….) was not brought to my knowledge.
I further submit that,
- At that time in Macmish software, there was no provision to
check the cancelled entries.
- It was taught in the training to check the day end collection
report of Macmish and to compare with the Zero report and Daily account.
As such I have checked all the above aspects.
- Only on ………. instructions regarding Macmish workflow, Dos and
Don’ts and other instructions were circulated vide PLI Directorate Letter
No: 6-01/2011-LI(Pt) dated 21.12.2016
As the incident was happened on ………, much
before the instructions in the PLI Directorate Letter has implemented, I am
unaware to check the detailed collection report. But, I have not deviated from
the main role of supervisions and I have exercised vigilant supervision over
the work of counter PA with the rulings existed at that time.
in the Annexure B, it was mentioned that “As per the instruction No.3 of Rule
15 of C.C.S. (C.C.A) Rules, 1965 the charges contained in Annexure A was
dropped forthwith. I would like to submit that the Rule 15 of C.C.S.(C.C.A)
Rules deals with action on Inquiry report. In respect the Rule 16 Charge sheet
leveled against me, no inquiry was conducted as on date and no new findings was
there over the existing charges.
I submit
that the issue of second charge sheet on the same incident after submitting the
reply by me is not permissible as per the law of the land. When the charge
sheet is dropped after submission of reply, it means that the reply is
satisfactory, acceptable and genuine and on which the further proceeding could
not be made. The issue of second charge sheet for the same incident with
different clause is nothing but show the biased action against me to implement
the pre determination in punishing me on one pretext or the other in this
episode which is tantamount to the principle of the natural justice and
constitutional provisions.
It is
pertinent to mention that a fresh charge sheet (Annexure C) was leveled against
me on ……… after my representation to the earlier charge sheet (Annexure A). It is against to the
orders on the subject and The Jabalpur High Court held in the case of
Chandrasekar vs Union of India, ATC 1990 (12) P 868 emphasizes that Issue of
second charge sheet on same allegations, cancelling first one where the first
one has been replied by the employee was held to be not permissible. This has
been accepted by the Department and caused orders earlier. Hence, I submit that
the issue of fresh charge sheet after my reply to the previous one is void.
I am submitting that I have not neglected my duty, not deviated from the main
role of supervisions, exercised vigilant supervision over the work of counter
PAs, taken all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of
all government servants under my control and authority as enunciated in Rule
3.[2](i) of C.C.S.(Conduct) Rules, 1964 and I have maintained absolute devotion
to duty as enunciated in Rule 3(i)(ii) of C.C.S.(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
I request that the charges may please be dropped since I am not at guilty and not responsible for the fraud committed by the delinquent official. However, I regret very much for the incident taken place in the branch where I was the supervisor then.
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