Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Redressal of grievances filed by the Govt servants

·        If individual has not received a reply within one month he can ask for an interview with the next higher authority

·        Such officer should immediately take action without delay.

·        Representation against orders of immediate superiors should be dealt with expeditiously as possible.

·        Those representations should also be considered within one month.

·        The time limit is not applied in case represented again after disposal of earlier representation on the same subject.

·        Appeals and petitions receive prompt attention and disposed within a reasonable time.

·        If those could not be disposed within 1 month an acknowledgment or interim reply should sent to the individual.

OM No. 25/34/68- Estt (A) dated 20.12.1968

·        Submission of representations by passing the channel of communication can be treated as unbecoming of a Govt servant. This includes all forms of communications including through e mails or public grievances portal etc. (OM No 11013/08/2013-Estt A III dated 6.6.2013 & 31.8.2015)

·        Advance copies of representation which does not show that all means of securing attention or redress from the lower authorities tried and exhausted should be ignored or rejected summarily.

·        If the advance copy of the representation exhibits the efforts or trial or exhaustion it should be examined. It can be referred to lower authority for reports and comments.

·        Ordinarily there is no justification for passing orders without ascertaining the comments of the appropriate authority. (OM 118/52-Ests dated 30.4.1952)

·        No notice should be taken of a representation submitted by a relative on service matter.

·        The only exception that in case of death or physical disability and the official could not represent – In such cases the relative can represent. (OM No.25/21/63-Ests(A) dated 19.9.1963)

·        Disciplinary action may be taken against those violating these instructions (OM No 11013/7/1999-Estt A dated 1.11.1999 & 11013/08/2013-Estt A III dated 6.6.2013)

·        Govt servants can seek redress through legal for which no permission is required.

(OM No.25/3/59-Ests (A) dated 21.4.1959 & 25/29/63-Ests(A) dated 26.11.1963)

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