8. Strengthening of the supervision and the working of EDSOS/EDBOS
& single - handed sub post offices
Key Points:
- Increased Inspections:
- Single-Handed Sub Offices: Two inspections per year, with the second conducted by the IPO (Complaints).
- EDSOs: Two inspections per year, with the second conducted by the IPO (Complaints).
- EDBOs: Second inspection conducted by Mail Overseers during their visits.
- Focus on "Very Bad" Offices:
- Identification of "very bad" offices across all types of post offices.
- Re-inspection of "very bad" offices by Assistant Superintendents.
- Improved Inspection Procedures:
- Review of previous inspection reports to ensure compliance.
- Utilization of standardized inspection questionnaires.
- Limited use of Inspector assistance for routine inspections.
- Enhance Supervision: Strengthen oversight of smaller post offices to improve service quality and prevent fraud.
- Improve Efficiency: Streamline inspection processes and ensure timely corrective action.
- Enhance Accountability: Hold postmasters accountable for their performance and address identified shortcomings.
In view of the incidence of large scale fraud committed by the certain Branch Postmasters and Sub Postmasters and in view of frequent complaints that have been received about the quality of service that is being rendered by smaller post offices an examination has been carried out as to how supervision over the functioning of these offices could be strengthened and how the divisional superintendents could be enabled to monitor the working of these offices. Keeping this in view the following is required to be implemented with immediate effect.
Single -Handed Sub Offices:
Generally the annual inspections of these offices are being carried out by the Sub Divisional Officers. A few of the offices are being inspected by the Divisional Superintendents and his Deputy/Asst. Supdts. It is decided that all Single Handed Offices should be inspected twice in a year. The second inspection should be carried out by the IPO (Complaints) of the division. A period of two days must be given for this inspection. It is felt that a number of single handed offices in any division may not be very large and the IPO (Complaints) would be able to carry out the second inspection of these offices. These should be ensured of at least four months between the first inspection and the second inspection.
The Second inspection of EDSOs will be carried out by the IPOs (Complaints) and one day should be given for this purpose.
If the number of EDSOs in any particular division is very large the Divisional Superintendent can suggest to the Postmaster General as to how the second inspection of the EDSOs could be carried out. There should be a gap of 4 months between the two inspections.
The second inspection in respect of EDBOs would be in the day of a visit by the Mail Overseers at least once in a year one day should be given to Mail Overseer for each EDBOs. During the visit all cash transactions should be verified. The examination of balances in the SB & RD Pass Books, the verification of payment of money orders, the verification of preliminary receipts given for other cash transactions should be carried out. It there are two Mail Overseers for Mofussil Sub Divisions, it is to be ensured that the second inspection-cum-visit can be carried out by the Mail Overseers. There should be a gap of 4 months from the first inspection.
Bad Offices:
At present on the basis of the inspection reports certain very bad offices are being identified and the second inspection of such very bad offices is being carried out by the I.P.O. (Complaints). After the above instructions are implemented identification of very bad offices will continue to be done not only in respect of EDSOs and EDBOs but also in respect of other Departmental Post Offices. In respect of Departmental Posts offices identified as very bad immediate remedial steps should be taken by the Divisional Superintendents to improve the matters by taking all possible action including the disciplinary action. In respect of EDSOs and EDBOs another inspection can be carried out which should be done by the Assistant Supdt attached to the offices of the Divisional Supdt. The purpose of the re-inspection of the very bad offices would be improving the state of work.
Compliance reports:
Whenever any office is going to be inspected, the Inspecting Officer should go through the previous Inspection Report and ensure that compliance has been given cent per cent on the points where action has to be taken by his own office. Points, on which action is required to be taken by other but has not been taken, will be specially noted for pursuing with the offices where action needs to be taken.
Inspection questionnaires:
To make the inspection more purposeful review of the questionnaire is being carried out and standard questionnaire for various types of post offices would be supplied shortly. Till the revised questionnaires are received instructions may be given to all to carry out the inspections in accordance with the questionnaires they have.
It may be ensured that the Supdt. of Post Offices take the assistance of Inspectors of Post Offices and Asst. Supdt. of Post Offices only when the verification of Head Post Office is done. Normally Inspector's assistance should not be taken while inspecting the other post offices. The Supdt. of Post Offices who travel by the inspection vehicle can take their stenographers while going on inspection of post offices. This may not be done for going on visits only.
Date of effect:
These instructions would be implemented with immediate effect.
(DG (P) No. 17-1/92-Inspn dated 16.01.1992)
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