
16. Stepping up of pay of departmental candidates from the date of next increment of direct recruit whose training period was counted for increment

 Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 

16. Stepping up of pay of departmental candidates from the date of next increment of direct recruit whose training period was counted for increment

Direct recruits receive service for their training period towards their increments, 

While departmental promotees did not get service credit for training in their current post. 

This can lead to the departmental promotee having lower pay than a junior direct recruit. 

The anomaly can be corrected by "stepping up" the pay of the departmental promotee from the date of the next increment of the junior direct recruit. 

This effectively brings the departmental promotee's pay to a level comparable to their junior. 

(i) In respect of direct recruits, the period of training before appointment counts as duty for increments and in case of departmental candidates, such training period before appointment to another post counts for increment in the post, the pay of which is drawn during such training period. This may result in the departmental promotee drawing less pay than a direct recruit junior to him.

(ii) The anomaly may arise either from the date of his promotion or from the date of next increment of the direct recruit junior to him and may be removed by stepping-up the pay of the departmental promotee employee from the date of next increment of direct recruit junior to him.

(DOPT OM. No. 16/16/8-Estt (Pay-1) dated 29.3.1993)

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