
13. Stepping up of Pay - Cases where anomaly may arise

 Kayveeyes’ Daily Rules Recap 

13. Stepping up of Pay

I. Cases where anomaly may arise

In certain cases, the initial pay of a senior employee gets fixed at an amount less than that of his junior. In such cases, a genuine anomaly is said to have arisen. The cases where such anomalies may arise are following:

(i) Application of F. R. 22(I) a (1) on promotion to a higher post.

(ii) A senior drawing immediately before 1.1.2006 more pay than his junior in the same cadre, getting his pay fixed in the revised scale lower than that of such junior.

(iii) A senior promoted to a higher post before 1.1.2006, drawing less pay in the revised scale than his junior who is promoted to a higher post after that date. 

(iv) A senior departmental promotee getting less pay than a junior direct recruit for whom the period of training before the appointment is counted for increment.

(v) A senior's pay becoming lower than that of any of his junior's in the same cadre due to stepping up of pay of that junior with reference to his own junior.

(vi) Where on merger of two existing scales, one being a promotional scale for the other, a  junior employee drawing his pay at equal or lower stage in the lower scale of pay, happens to draw more pay in the revised scale than the pay of the senior employee in the existing higher scale.

(vii) A senior and his junior in the same cadre getting their pay fixed at the same stage in the revised pay scale as on 1.1.2006, and the date of next increment in the case of junior falls earlier than in the case of the senior.

(viii) A senior employee drawing a higher pay in a higher pre-revised pay scale applicable to such feeder posts, fixed at a lower stage in the revised pay scale applicable to the corresponding promotion post as compared to a junior holding feeder post included in a different stream and cadre and who were earlier drawing pay at an equivalent or lower stage of pay in a lower pre-revised pay scale.

(DOPT OM No. 7/7/08-CSI(A) dt. 22.12.2010)


  1. தாà®™்கள் பதிவிடுà®®் ஒவ்வொà®°ு ஆணைகளையுà®®் நம் தோà®´à®°்கள் அனைவருà®®் படித்து தெà®°ிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டுà®®்


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