
33. Model Representation - Draft - President nominate one of the Asst Secretaries to act as DS due to the vacancy.

 The post of Divisional/ Brach secretary becomes vacant due to the exit from the union or promotion. In such a situation, the President has to nominate one of the Asst secretaries to function as DS within a period of one month of the vacancy. The following may be used on such occasions.

The Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices,
………….. Division,

Subject: Nomination of Branch Secretary, .............. Branch

Respected Sir,

Subsequent to the vacancy of the Branch Secretary in the ………. Branch, caused by the exit / promotion of Sri ………… from this union, the post of Branch Secretary needs to be filled immediately. In accordance with the provisions of Article 53(a) of the Constitution of the All India Postal Employees Union Group C, I, as the President, hereby nominate Sri ………….., Postal Assistant, ............., to serve as Branch Secretary until the vacancy is officially filled through a General Body meeting convened for this purpose.

I kindly request your approval for this nomination and the extension of all trade union facilities to Sri ………….. to enable him to function effectively as the Branch Secretary of the …………… Branch.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

Branch President

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