Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Appeal once-again

 * I am sending the link to the posts immediately after posting in the blog despite the fact that I know many are not seeing the blog. 

* As of today, I know that even 5% of my friends and comrades are ignoring the link I am sending to them individually but it will not scuttle my efforts. 

* I will continue the job and I am confident that one day it will have a big response.

* I have made the blog user-friendly and easy to access through mobile phones. The posts can be seen by clicking the link on a cell phone. 

* Links were even given to the YouTube channels. 

* If everyone just clicks the follow button available at the bottom of the website, they will receive a notification of posts as and when posted. 

* Do not expect any individual messages about the posts. Why can't you follow the blog? Please. 

* Please click the FOLLOW  button at the bottom of the website with photos.

* I am confident that the situation today regarding non-viewing the blog by many comrades, including the divisional secretaries and office bearers of the circle unions, will change. 

* They will also be enriched by reading the posts to ensure their effective functioning at their levels. 


  1. Very effective. Now a days it is very essential to keep update myself. It should be duty follow this blog each and ev

  2. We are reading and sharing blogs links videos regularly in Punjab
    Go ahead you are the real eyes of us

  3. Very effective Sirji, I am reading. Go ahead Sirji.

  4. Sir, ur efforts and unremitting vigor are much valuable and deserved for encomiums forever... 🙏🙏

  5. Sir it's all very useful to all comrade
