
16. Sexual Harassment, Representation of officials, Direct representation to higher authorities

 76. Prevention of sexual harassment of women at the workplace - regarding.

It should be ensured that the aggrieved women are not victimized in connection with the complaints filed by them. For a period of five years after a decision in a proven case of sexual harassment, a watch should be kept to ensure that she is not subjected to vendetta. She should not be posted under the Respondent, or any other person where there may be a reasonable ground to believe that she may be subjected to harassment on this account.

DOPT OM No. 11013/7/2016-Estt.A-III Dated the 22nd December, 2016

77. Online Complaint - "Sexual Harassment Electronic-Box (SHe-Box)"

SHe-Box is an online Complaint Management System for lodging complaints related to sexual harassment of women at workplace. The steps required for filing of complaint through SHe-Box can be downloaded from the link:


DOPT OM No. 11013/7/2016-Estt.A-III, Dated the 1st November, 2017.

78. Submission of further representations by Government servants

It has been decided that when representations have already been considered and replied, further representations exceeding two on the same issue will henceforth be ignored. A Government servant may make a representation to an authority higher than the lowest competent authority only when he is able to establish that all the points or submissions made therein have not been fully and properly considered by his immediate official superior, or the Head of Office concerned or such other authority at the lowest level competent to deal with the matter.

DOPT F.No.11013/4/2010-Estt. (A) Dated the 19th April, 2010.


79. Representation from Government servant on service matters.

If it is anticipated that an appeal or petition cannot be disposed of within a month of its submission an acknowledgement or interim reply should be sent to the individual within a month.

DOPT OM No. 11013/08/2013-Estt.A-III, Dated the 6th June, 2013.

80. Submission of representation directly to higher authority is prohibited

Submission of representations directly to other authorities by- passing the prescribed channel of communication, has to be viewed seriously and appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against those who violate these instructions. This can rightly be treated as an unbecoming conduct attracting the provisions of Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It is clarified that this would include all forms of communication including through e-mails or public grievances portal etc.

Your's Kayveeyes

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