Thursday, September 26, 2024

Medical Advance

·        Medical advance can be sanctioned by the divisional heads only up to Rs.10000 (CPMG, Tamilnadu No APB/42- Medical advance/14-15 dated 25.8.2014)

·  Heads of the circles can sanction up to Rs. Two lakhs under CS MA Rules. (No.14035/01/2014-MS dated 5.6.2014)

·        If CGHS beneficiary, Head of circles can sanction up to Rs. Five lakhs. This is as per OM No.s.11011/20/2014-CGHS (P) /EHSS dated 23.11.2016. (DG (P) No.6-1/2021 – Medical dated 25.11.2021)

·        Beyond the limit the cases have to be referred to Directorate.

·    90% of the CGHS approved package can be sanctioned as medical advance (OM No. S14025/18/2015-MS/EHSS dated 17.10.2016)

·     For OPD treatment if the estimate exceeds Rs.10000 including tests and investigations medical advance may be granted. ( OM No. S14025/18/2015-MS/EHSS dated 17.10.2016)

·      The cases exceeding Rs.2 lakhs for CS (MA) and Rs.5 lakhs in case of CGHS will continue to be referred to Directorate for approval (DG (P) orders dated 26.9.2022)

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